03/2020 - 02/2027
According to the Khoa hoc & Phat trien (Science & Development) newspaper, GIZ’s consulting experts have proposed that in the Demand Response Program for Viet Nam, enterprises that consume a large amount of electricity can reduce or change their use of powe during some certain peak period during a year to receive financial incentives in return. The recommendations were included in the final technical workshop “Implementation design for Demand Response Program for Viet Nam” which took place in late June 2022.
The event was the last one which was organised by the Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SGREEE) project. SGREEE was jointly run by GIZ and the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Viet Nam from 2017 till June 2022. The project was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development within the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI).
23/03/2024 -
14/12/2023 -
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