GIZ Energy Support Programme

Climate-Smart Agriculture: Strong Growth for the Vietnamese Biomass Sector Expected


The third international conference on “Valorization of Agricultural Residues Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture in South East Asia” took place in Ho Chi Minh City on 4-6 April 2019.

This was an opportunity for professionals in Viet Nam and in other regional countries to exchange knowledge about the formulation of efficient and sustainable organic waste management solutions in the local context, which can address environmental compatibility, financial feasibility and social needs. The event was chaired by the Institute for Environmental Science, Engineering & Management, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) and the Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Environmental Technology, Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology.  

GIZ Energy Support Programme representatives participated in the event, presenting an overview of Viet Nam’s energy situation, the country’s biomass energy potential and the IKI-Project “Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Viet Nam”.

Funded by BMU, the project is implemented until March 2023 and aims to improve the preconditions for a sustainable use of biomass for electricity and heat generation in Viet Nam.

Viet Nam has strong potential for bioenergy development, due to the rising demand for electricity, the important role of generating clean electricity and the availability of biomass resources in the country. The Vietnamese Government has promulgated a number of key policies and support mechanisms for bioenergy development, however, there are still certain barriers to biomass energy development in the country, such as technological barriers, policy and institutional barriers.

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